How We Built This the “rich and REGULAR” Way / Julien & Kiersten Saunders

Learn the keys to Julien and Kiersten of You'll learn the tactics they used to build their multi-media brand, the framework that guides their business strategy, how to close and attract brand partnerships and their rules on creativity. 

Attendees will also learn about the brand partnership process, how to price competitively, the top turn-offs for decision-makers and how to turn one-time deals into long-term business relationships. So if you're ready to take your business to the next level, get ready to take lots of notes.

Presented by Julien and Kiersten Saunders. Julien and Kiersten Saunders are the authors of the award-winning book, Cashing Out: Win The Wealth Game By Walking Away. They're also speakers and the multimedia creators behind rich & REGULAR. Their podcast [presented by Success Magazine] has earned over two million downloads and their work has lead them to be featured on Good Morning America, The New York Times, CBS This Morning, The OWN Network and more.  

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